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I Diggidy

I Diggidy - Wooden Benches

Three thug mice dot com
I.d. aka goodnie ledget

Wooden benchez is what they ride
Young and dumb and down to die
They all broke so they greedy
N thats how it is in every city

Ayo i been a good guy, been a bad boy
I seen my fellas leavin the crime scene in convoy
So listen up souljah, baby momma turn it up
Cuz its a true story based ballad bout my block
How many o yo people fell to the appeal o dealin?
Bloood stains r on the pillow, we sippin miller
Wit my homies on them wooden benches, talkin bout benzes
I wonder when we get a chance 2 change this
So there we were cuttin slack from classes
Puttin paper cups away as the coppers passed us
There we were puffin weed, peddlin a bit
Boombox pumpin loud, we didnt give a shit

Wooden benchez is what they ride
Young and dumb and down to die
They all broke so they greedy
N thats how it is in every city

If it was warm enuff to not to have a jacket on
We used to sit at them benches until the dawn
But now we grown n u know people change much
We got a lotta stuff that keep us from keepin in touch
Its women money families, drugs n felonies
But still my inner compass is headin me east
Thats where i live, i often get to remenisin
Of all the situations one of us could get imprisoned
We live 2 deal wit hell, we die 2 chill in heaven
Reenie got shot tryna stick up a seven-eleven
I love u homie n what i said i meant this
We gonna see each other at them wooden benches

Wooden benchez is what they ride
Young and dumb and down to die
They all broke so they greedy
N thats how it is in every city

Текст песни рэпера I Diggidy – Wooden Benches. Слова трека с объяснениями пользователей.
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